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Cool Sofas For The Instagram Generation


There are so many ways we can express ourselves today and every facet of our lives offers an opportunity to share, to connect and, if we want to, to promote. Of course we don’t all lead amazingly colourful lives dominated by globetrotting, partying and celebrity encounters, but relative to our world we all have stuff we want to share with people; we all have a profile that people have connected to and have an interest in, so make the most of it.

Much of what interests the Instagram generation is centred around the home; what are we eating? What are we listening to? What are we watching on Netflix? The most everyday, mundane things can be dressed up to illustrate and celebrate our lives, because our lives matter. And this includes our sofa.

instagram girls

Sofas are the centre of our world

Sofas can be the centre of our world. We gravitate there, we stay there and we hate to leave there. And at Nabru we know how important a good sofa is, and how it represents a vital cog in our everyday lives. We rest, eat, socialise, have quiet time and take in rich sources of inspiration on the sofa; through reading, watching TV and listening to music. This then develops our world and makes us what we are.

And with this in mind we have a range of cool sofas at Nabru that look great and feel great; taking in elegant style, minimalist design, clean lines and sleek curves to bring the right feel to your room and to look cool on that snapshot you share first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

Whether you are looking for a neat two-seater sofa, an expansive four seater sofa or an all-consuming corner sofa with a chaise seat, our sofas are modern and styled in line with today’s trends and tastes. This also applies to our fabrics, which can be faux leather, suede, fabric or chenille, and our range of colours which can be bright and energising, chic and industrial or warm and comforting.

Accessorise your sofa

Of course the Instagram generation are all about the visuals, so as well as having a cool new sofa, we can amaze people by accessorising. With cushions, drapes, somewhere cool to keep the remote or even just the dog, our sofa can help present ourselves to the world and can tell people a lot about us.

Most people also choose their sofa with the rest of the room in mind, so we can show off our new colour scheme and how our sofa so beautifully complements our wall colour, or our new lamp, or our new feature fireplace, or our stunning new mirror or that piece of wall art we have had our eye on for months.

All Nabru’s sofas fit our lifestyle because that is why we chose them. So whatever your lifestyle is, show it off. We have the means of allowing a portal into our lives and showing people what we want to show them. We are in control, so allow your sofa to be a centrepiece for all the good things you want to show off; for selfies, for eating, for drinking, for playing with the dog or the kids, for showing people what you are reading or what is lined up on your Spotify playlist.

Your sofa is the backdrop for all of it and at Nabru we want your sofa to be a big part of your life.

Author: Iain Cowsill

Hi! I'm Iain, owner of Nabru self assembly sofas. Established over 15 years ago, Nabru is the UK's leading name in quality self assembly sofas, sofa beds and corner sofas. Our sofas are guaranteed to fit through your door! Shop our range of sofas at www.nabru.co.uk today.